Valorizzazione della proprietà industriale
6 Marzo 2014
Inefficace il brevetto in Italia se la traduzione è difforme dal testo del brevetto europeo
19 Marzo 2014

Regole di Procedura della Corte Unica dei Brevetti

E’ stata pubblicata la sedicesima versione del testo provvisorio delle Regole di Procedura della costituenda Corte Unica dei Brevetti. Il testo in pdf è scaricabile QUI con le revisioni a vista rispetto alla versione precedente.

Questa sedicesima versione, ultimata il 31.01.2014, è frutto anche di una consultazione aperta al pubblico e tiene conto delle opinioni fornite da numerosi soggetti:

Peter DeLange
Rudolf Teschemacher
Christian Koster
Intel Corp
The Law Society of Scotland
Google Inc.
European Patent Lawyers Association
The Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office
Mathys & Squire
Judge Dr. Tamas Csoti, Metropolitan
Tribunal, Budapest, Hungary
Eight UK Patent Attorney Firms
Stibbe Lawyers
Intellectual Property Owners’ Association
Association de Praticiens Europeens des
Purdue Pharma L.P.
Axel Horns
Withers & Rogers LLP

Eli Lilly & Company
TEVA Europe
L’Association Francais des Editeurs de
Logiciels et Solutions Internet
Digital Europe
Hungarian Chamber of Patent Attorneys
Ericsson AB
Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys
The Licensing Executives Society (Britain & Ireland)
Compagnie Nationale des Conseils en Propriete Industrielle
IP Federation
Blackberry Limited
The Procter & Gamble Company
The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry
F Hoffmann – La Roche AG
The European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations
Danish Association of Intellectual
Property Attorneys
Dr. Jozsef Talas
The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise,
the Swedish Association for the protection of intellectual property and the Swedish
Federation of business owners
The Association of Danish Intellectual Property Attorneys
Verband der Chemischen Industrie e.V.
VanDoorne Advocaten
Glykos Finland Limited
Harrison Goddard Foote LLP
The Association of IP Professionals in Swedish Industry
The German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property
Ordine dei Consulenti in Proprietà Industriale
Bird & Bird LLP
EIP Europe LLP
Arm Holdings PLC
Dyson Technology Ltd
Mario Franzosi
Information Technology
Telecommunications & Electronics
Association (Intellect)
Cohausz & Florack
Qualcomm Europe Inc.
Japanese Group of AIPPI
The Association of Danish Industrial
Property Executives
Pfizer Limited
Japanese Intellectual Property Association
The Association of Finnish Patent
Novo Nordisk A/S
The Bio Industry Association
Judge Gabriella Muscolo
LIF Sweden
Pharma Industry Finland
The Danish Association of Pharmaceutical Industries
Carpmaels & Ransford
H Lundbeck A/S
The British Association of the International Federation of Intellectual
Property Attorney
Microsoft Corporation
Finland Chamber of Commerce
E’studio Legale Pino
AIPPI France
Preu Bohlig & Partner
Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated
Confederation of Finnish Industries
Jones Day
Haseltine Lake LLP
Industry Coalition on the UPC Rules of Procedure
The British Generic Manufacturers Association
Tony Pluckrose
Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property and Competition Law
Confederation of Danish Industry
Rolls-Royce PLC
Bristows LLP
Centro Studi Anticontraffazione
Ficpi International

Field Fisher Waterhouse LLP
Simon Roberts
British Patent Attorney Advocates
Potter Clarkson LLP
European Generic Medicines Association
Nokia Corporation
Intellectual Property Lawyers’
Association (UK)
Dimitris Xenon
Ficpi International
Federation of German Industries
International Chamber of Comment-Frame
Associazione Italiana dei Consulenti ed Esperti in Proprieta Industriale di Enti o Imprese
Japanese Pharmaceutical Manufacturers
Association Anja Peterson – Padberg
Assiciation des Avocats de Propriete Industrielle
Groupe de Travail de Institute de Recherche en Propriete Intellectuelle
Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe
Business Europe



Le modifiche proposte rispetto alla quindicesima versione sono riassunte in questa tabella.

Chiunque abbia interesse potrà commentare sul testo e proporre modifiche in occasione di un’udienza pubblica che si terrà nel corso del 2014, in data da stabilire. La data verrà annunciata sul sito del Preparatory Committee.




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