Trademark searches

Italian, European and International Trademark lookup – TM Novelty Search

The aim of a trademark lookup is to identify whether an identical or a similar trademark is already registered for the same product and service classes. It might be also necessary to identify the owners of a trademark or to check whether it is maintained, renewed or is valid due to its effective use or not.

Biesse offers a service of trademark searches for the Italian, European and International trademarks, performed by highly professional attorneys based on the best payed and free databases and presented in an exhaustive and comprehensive report with legal analysis.

Italian registered trademark database

The national Italian Patent and Trademark office (UIBM) offers a free online database of the registered trademarks in the Italian language. Unfortunately, due to an internal UIBM revision process, the Office declares that the data presented in the online database may be incomplete and inaccurate.

The UIBM database only contains information for registered Italian trademarks, thus it is not possible to lookup for the applications of the registration for European or International trademarks. The database is free and accessible to anyone. It is worth mentioning that in Italy, as in other EU states, valid European and International trademarks may be sourced from the dedicated European and International trademark databases.

European Union and International trademark databases

The European Union Intellectual Property Office offers a free eSearch trademark database for lookups of the European trademarks and designs and Tmview database that allows to search for the EU TM applications and for registered international trademarks for some participating countries. The WIPO also provides its own international trademark databasethat contains data for the participating countries.